November #BrainTumorThursday Totals

In November, there was a retreat from the lofty heights of the use of the #BrainTumorThursday hashtag in October.  This is probably due to two factors: 1) October included 5 Thursdays, whereas November had four; and 2) we are now into the holiday season which would seem to logically cause a downturn in participation.  However, looking back to September, there continues to be an upward trend.  Here are the numbers for November.

Impacts (Deliveries to people’s timelines:about 159M  (275M in October and 103M in September).

Participants: about 4,500 (7,500 in October and 3,500 in September).

Tweets: about 8,600  (16,500 in October and 9,000 in September).

Even though the total number of November tweets was off from September, the all important number of participants in November increased over September as did the impacts.

It is safe to assume that December will fall more in line with November due to the holiday season.  It probably will not be known until the first two months of 2014 whether October was an anomaly.

The number of important participants in #BrainTumorThursday for November is about 4,500, i.e. every single participant.  Thanks to all of you.  Still there a few participants whom I consider to be superstars for the final  #BrainTumorThursday campaign (selected for either contributing a high number of tweets or a high number of impacts).

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